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Structural/Steel Design & Detailing

At DesignPresentation we utilize the latest technology to provide our clients with structural/steel designs that will continually exceed their expectations. Our team of draughts men is skilled enough to convert scribbles and design notes into a set of complete structural details in CAD and even design some. We cater to a cross section of clientele including fabricators, structural engineers and manufacturers. We believe in a total quality approach and customer satisfaction.

How DesignPresentation works:

We understand your way of manufacturing and erecting, the detailing drawings are arranged with all the necessary quantities. The structural cad drawing are made in accordance to our detailed procedures. This "industrialization" minimizes errors, keeps costs down and results in an improved schedule. We prepare the drafts of the construction documents/drawings according to your specifications and submit for approval. Once you approve we deliver the final drawings through E-mails, FTP, our automated online workflow system or CD/DVD.

Benefits of outsourcing your Structural designs and engineering:



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